

Access Bars® Session

Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for?  Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?

Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, improved relationships, relief from anxiety, reduced stress and so much more.


Body Process™ Session

An Access Consciousness Body Process™ is a ‘hands-on-body’ method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body and then asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe.

Access Energetic Facelift™ Session

Energetic Facelift™ Session

Energy work is the medicine of the future.

The Energetic Facelift™ is a gentle hands-on energy process done with nurturing gentleness and care. Many different energies are used at once to facilitate the face and the body to rejuvenate. For judgements to release and for our bodies to be revitalised.

All of life comes to us with Ease, Joy, and Glory.

Symphony of Possibilities Session

‘Symphony of Possibilities’ Session

Symphony Sessions are available to invite you to new spaces of being in a short period of time using this phenomenal energy. Its dynamic process expands the possibilities you have available in the moment, and also invites you to different ways of being. What is the future that might be possible in your world?

MTVSS Bodywork Session

MTVSS is an incredibly nurturing energy process for the body which can work with any sore parts in the body that you are unable to change with allopathic medicine or other body treatments. MTVSS will give the body the energy it requires to change many conditions of fatigue in the body. Also, as an immune system booster, it can change flu or colds very quickly. This process can also be used on animals.


Verbal Processing with Symphony Energies

Verbal processing is a dynamic way to change any difficulty or area of life. Using the Access Clearing Statement® and the processes that bring up the energy of limitation, you can get clarity on any area of your life and change how you're creating this.